Water Damage Restoration – Signs and Solutions

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Water Damage Restoration - Signs and Solutions

The key to preventing water damage problems from growing out of control on your property is simple: notice the damage and put a stop to it as soon as possible. To help you do this, here are eight of the main signs of water damage you should look out for from our water damage restoration experts at Lamunyon.

Early Signs of Water Damage

1. Damp Walls

Every once in and while, you should take a moment to feel your walls to see if they feel damp. This is especially important if you live in an area with high humidity. If they do feel damp, there is a possibility of water damage. Act fast to prevent costly water damage restoration in the future.

2. Cracked Walls Or Ceiling

Cracks on the ceiling, walls, and floors can happen for a myriad of different reasons. One of them, nonetheless, is water leaking through them incessantly. Search for those fractures in the property’s structure.

3. Water Stains

Water stains typically present themselves as yellow rings on your walls, ceiling, or floor. They are very unsightly and will spread over time. Be on the lookout for yellowing or dampness on your walls so you can put a stop to this before it becomes too serious.

4. Rusty Metal Around The Home

Water makes metals rusty. We all know that. That’s why you should be on the lookout for rust in and around your home. If you do find rust, there’s a good chance that it was caused by a leak of some sort.

5. Rotting Wood

Over time, water can rot away at wood, making it look unsightly and become structurally unsound. Be cautious about buying a home with rotted wood, as this can mean that it is not structurally intact, has other water damage problems, or has pest infestations such as termites.

6. Mold Growth

If you notice any mold in your home, even a small amount, it is an indication that you have a water damage problem. Make sure you call the water damage restoration experts to remove the mold immediately and stop the source of water that allowed the mold to begin growing in the first place.

7. Damaged Roof

If water is accumulating on top of the house, you will be able to tell by looking at the roof. If you notice that there are any dents in it, or that there are broken/missing shingles, it may be because of the damage water has caused. This needs to be fixed ASAP. Otherwise, your home will be vulnerable during the next rain or snowstorm and will most likely need water damage restoration.

8. The Sound Of Dripping Or Leaking Water

The sound of dripping water is one thing that can tip you off to a leak occurring within your home. If you hear a dripping sound, make sure you investigate its source so you can find the leak if there is one.

At Lamunyon, we understand how overwhelming water damage restoration can be, and that is why we offer complete water damage restoration services around Kansas. Since we have the cleanup and restoration under control, we want to make sure that you know how to help prevent water damage from occurring in your home in the first place. From our water damage restoration experts, here are some things you can do to help reduce the risk of water damage:

Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Water Damage Restoration Costs

1. Visually Inspect Your Home at Least Twice a Year

You should pay special attention to areas that you do not go to very often, like crawl spaces, attics, garages, and under cabinets. Be sure to check rain gutters, rooftops, and window wells also. These are all common places where water can pool and go undetected until the problem becomes severe. Be sure that these areas are clean and clear, show no signs of water damage, are free from buildup, and are not broken, cracked, damaged, or deteriorating. Make any needed repairs as quickly as possible and continue to periodically inspect these areas to be sure they stay clear of any signs of water damage.

2. Schedule and Perform Routine Maintenance

On all household appliances that use water, perform routine maintenance. Dishwashers, washing machines, and hot water heaters are all common sources of water damage in homes and, if left unchecked, can cause some serious damage. The hoses that provide water to and from these appliances should be checked regularly for signs of deterioration, leaks, and loose connections.

Be sure that they are installed correctly and securely, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for use and maintenance. If you notice leaking, corrosion, or machines not functioning properly, discontinue use until they have been inspected and fixed to save yourself from serious water damage.

3. Monitor The Water Pressure Going Into Your Home

When water pressure is too high, it puts unnecessary strain on pipes. Pipes will eventually burst or spring leaks under too much pressure, resulting in water damage to your home. A water pressure gauge can be easily installed on an outside faucet in your home to give you a water pressure reading. If your water pressure is above 100 psi, you need to install a water pressure regulator. Regulators can be found and purchased from most local hardware stores and come with easy-to-follow installation instructions. Regulators will help ensure that the pressure going into your home stays within normal limits, keeping your pipes from straining under unnecessary pressure.

4. Know The Location Of Your Water Main

If you find yourself in a situation where water is flooding or overflowing into your home, you need to know where your water main is and how to shut it off. This can help prevent gallons and gallons of water from entering and damaging your home.

5. Pay Attention to Your Water Bill

If your usage spikes from one month to the next with no explanation known to you, it may be due to a water leak somewhere. If you cannot find the source, cause, or explanation for a sudden rise in your water usage, review your visual checklist and call in the water damage restoration professionals.

If you find yourself in need of water damage restoration, call Lamunyon right away. We will work with you based on your needs to ensure that your home is taken care of quickly and effectively.

Contact Water Damage Restoration Experts Near You

Don’t let water damage cause any more problems in your Kansas home than it needs to! Call the water damage restoration experts at Lamunyon for help today if your home suffers from any of the signs of water damage listed above.


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