What Is a Sump Pump and How Does It Work?
The sump pump is the heart of any basement waterproofing system. Whatever waterproofing method you use for your basement, if you do not have a sump pump, it will be difficult to protect your basement. A sump pump collects water in a sump pit and then channels it out of your basement. It is not […]
Why You Should Call Professionals For Water Damage Restoration
I know that with the internet, information is readily available to us. I’ve had to look up how to do a countless number of things, such as how to get a mustard stain out of my favorite white shirt or what this flashing light in my car means. For the most part, the internet has […]
Water Damage and Its Varying Degrees
Water damage can arise from all sorts of avenues. It could be from a broken appliance, a leaky pipe, consistent condensation on a surface, or a great, big rainstorm. Sometimes, water damage occurs and we don’t even realize until much later. Whatever the case, water damage can be stressful, take time to repair, and cost […]