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Mold Basics and Prevention
When the word “mold” is used, it never seems to be in a favorable way, does it? And yet, mold is around us everywhere. For the most part, outdoors, it serves a useful purpose in breaking down organic matter such as downed trees, fallen leaves, and dead animals. We wouldn’t have some foods and medicines […]
Safeguard Your Important Documents From Disasters
No one is immune from natural disasters. Whether you live in an earthquake zone, hurricane area, or Tornado Alley, you should be prepared to deal with the challenge of protecting important paperwork. What would that include? The article below from AARP helps cover your bases… Avoid the paper chase: You may have mere minutes to […]
Dealing with Fuel Spills During Floods
Our regularly scheduled blog on Asbestos Remediation has been interrupted today due to flooding. You may be one who checks our Facebook site and has seen the posts recently on flooding basements, dealing with contaminated contents in the home, etc. However, what if you’ve had a Fuel spill? We recently had to deal with kerosene […]
Emergency Supply Kits/Emergency Evacuation Kits
In view of the recent disaster in Moore, OK, we thought a refresher course on Disaster Preparedness would be in order. Not only are suggestions for an emergency kit at home included, but one you might need for the car in case of evacuations. Each year, millions of people are affected by earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, […]
Develop a Company Emergency Plan
There are a variety of situations rightly deemed “emergencies.” Emergency management is the process of preparing for, mitigating, responding to and recovering from an emergency. While volumes have been written in great detail on how to prepare your staff for something like this, we will address just a few things to augment your company emergency […]
Three Tips to Prevent Water Damage
By taking just a few preventative steps, you will save so much time and money, plus avoid the stress of dealing with water damage in your home. Here are three suggestions to help prevent water damage in the future. Preventing Water Damage 1. Check Hoses on Appliances Everyone has appliances in the home: dishwasher, washer, […]
At Lamunyon Dry Out & Foundation Repair we are proud to stand behind our work. Each service is different, but certain projects have a lifetime warranty.
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Are you seeing indications that your property may need some help? Contact the professionals at Lamunyon today. We are happy to assess the damage, explain what we are seeing and provide you with a free estimate.